What's happening in the Counter Lab?
Congratulations to Patrick for successfully passing the Prelim Exam
Congratulations to Dr. Ryne Ramaker on being awarded the Hopper Belmont Foundation Inspiration award
Congratulations to Dr. Ozgun Le Roux on accepting a Scientific Position at Genentech
Taylor Niehoff gave a great presentation at The 2nd Workshop on Codon Usage conference in Edinburgh!
Congratulations to Dr. Kian-Huat Lim, a previous student from the lab, who was just promoted to full Professor with tenure at WASHU!
Congratulations to Ryne as one of three Hematology-Oncology Chief Fellows this year!
Anicka AbiChedid joins the lab for her Ph.D. thesis research!
Congratulations to Lili DeGraw for her admittance into graduate school at NCSU!
Congratulations to previous postdoctoral fellow Dr. David Kashatus, who just received tenure in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Cancer Biology at UVA!
Congratulations to Dr. Özgün Le Roux on the publication of her study "p53 dosage can impede KrasG12D- and KrasQ61R-mediated tumorigenesis" in the journal PLOS ONE!
Chris had the chance to visit previous student Dr. Kian Huat Lim and postdoc Dr. Hema Adhikari, who are both Professors at WASHU at St. Louis.
The lab just got back from the 2023 PCB department retreat where Dr. Seth Zimmerman was invited to give a talk and Dr. Özgün Le Roux won a best poster award!
We're celebrating Taylor Niehoff successfully passing her prelim exam. Congratulations Taylor!
Dr. Ryne Ramaker joins the lab for his postdoctoral fellowship!
We recently celebrated two birthdays! Both the Counter Lab and Taylor Niehoff turned 25 this year. Happy Birthday!
Previous student Dr. Nicole Pershing has accepted a K22-funded physician scientist position within the laboratory of Dr. June Round at the University of Utah to study how viral infection of bacteria affects the mammalian host.
Dr. Yuchen Zhang joins the lab for her postdoctoral fellowship!
The Counter Lab just got back from the 2023 AACR Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL!
Patrick Prochazka joins the lab for his Ph.D. thesis research!
Taylor Niehoff gave a great presentation at the Triangle RNA Research in Progress meeting!
The work of past student Dr. Siqi Li and incoming fellow Dr. Ryne Ramaker was highlighted in the magazine "Breakthroughs" by the Duke Cancer Institute.
Just had our pot-luck holiday party and gift exchange!
Congratulations to Dr. Özgün Le Roux on the publication of her study "Genetically manipulating endogenous Kras levels and oncogenic mutations in vivo influences tissue patterning of murine tumorigenesis" in the journal Elife!
Congratulations to Dr. Hema Adhikari on becoming an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Washington University in St Louis.
The Counter lab becomes part of a multi-national Grand Challenge Cancer grant to understand how normal cells harboring oncogenic mutations are promoted to a tumorigenic state.
Congratulations on lab alumnus Dr. Siqi Li on being awarded a Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fellowship!
Congratulations to Dr. Zahra Kabiri on being awarded an R22!
Congratulations to Dr. Zahra Kabiri for her appointment to Assistant Professor of Surgery at Duke University. We wish you the very best in starting your own lab!
Congratulations to first author Dr. Siqi Li for publishing her study entitled "Signaling levels mold the RAS mutation tropism of urethane" in the journal Elife.
Congratulations to first author Dr. Hema Adhikari for publishing her study entitled "Oncogenic KRAS is dependent upon an EFR3API4KA signaling axis for potent tumorigenic activity" in the journal Nature Communications.
Congratulations to Siqi Li for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis entitled "Elucidating the mechanisms underlying the mutational bias of RAS genes in cancer using a chemical carcinogenesis mouse model". Way to go Dr. Li!
Congratulations to Jackson Peterson to being admitted into graduate school at UNC-CH!
Congratulations to first authors Jackson Peterson & Siqi Li for publishing their study entitled "Expression of transgenes enriched in rare codons is enhanced by the MAPK pathway" in the journal Scientific Reports.
Congratulations to first authors Drs. Jessica Sawyer & Zahra Kabiri in publishing their study entitled "Exploiting codon usage identifies intensity specific modifiers of Ras/MAPK signaling in vivo" in the journal PLoS Genetics.
Congratulations to Siqi Li on publishing her first peer-reviewed, primary research paper "Capturing the primordial Kras mutation initiating urethane carcinogenesis" in the journal Nature Communications.
Congratulations to Hema Adhikari on being awarded a K99/R00 grant!
The Counter Lab is headed to the small GTPase summer retreat August 2019.
The Counter Lab is headed to the UNC/Duke P01 RAS Retreat May 20-23rd, 2019.
In October of 2018, we celebrated the 20 year anniversary of the Counter Lab!